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tamoadmin 2024-07-07 12:10:35

Dear JRs, I'm back in China again! I've been in China for two consecutive years, when I landed this time, I felt everything was very familiar! Do you guys miss me now?

I arrived in XiaMen yesterday morning, it was about 5am in China when I arrived. As soon as I got off the plane, I saw many passionate fans waiting for me. I really feel your strong love every time I come here, and it makes me feel warm in my heart.

The crayfish I ate last year it's the thing i miss most. This time the staff prepared crayfish for me, and the designers of QDSports have specially designed clothes with a crayfish logo for me. I love it so much, haha!

This morning, I visited QDSports's factory to learn how they design shoes for me, and also had a taste of Fujian-style Kungfu tea. They told me that it's like high-quality coffee in the United States, and it really tastes good.

In the evening, we came to a basketball court in Xiamen. A very young kid told me that he was still in high school, but he easily made a 360-degree dunk and a windmill!A High school student, really?

Later, we also played for a while because everyone in Xiamen was so enthusiastic. Last year, the man i dunked on him said in my ear, "There won't be another dunk this time", and his teammates also said to us, "We want revenge". For serious opponents, I always give my best.

I will also stay in Xiamen for three more days, and at the evening of July 2nd, I will come to the opening match of the Genshendigu. Are you ready to see me in your city?

Good night, JRs!









